Market Your Business


Social Media Platform Logos

How to Promote Your Business To Your Local Community!

One of the most effective was of promoting your business is to create strategic partnerships in your own local community. Here is how to get started. Read More…


Social Media Platform Logos

How to Use Social Media to Market Your Business!

The key value of social media is to give your customer base a place to give you feedback and to create a sense of community.   Read More…

Iconic Logos

How To Create Your Own Iconic Logo!

Here is how to use six characteristics that help you create an instantly recognizable iconic logo for your business.    Read More…

10 Low-Cost Ways To Market Your Business!

Marketing your business is defined by putting the right message in front of the right person at the right time. Here are 10 ideas. Read More…

How To Position Your Brand For Greater Success!

Positioning your brand for greater success comes down to identifying the values you, your business, and your customers hold most closely. Now identify the customers who also share those same values.  Read More…

Your Personal Key To Business Success!

One of the biggest concerns business owners have is not seeing the business success they anticipated. The level of anxiety lack of revenue can cause ranges from mildly worrisome, to debilitating fear. Here is how digital marketing can change that with one key focus. Read More…

How To Effectively Market Your Business in 5 Simple Steps

We receive a lot of questions about How to Effectively Market Your Business. This article is a short course to show you how to get started.   Read More…

How to Get Your Customers to Buy

How to Get Your Customers to Buy in 4 Easy Steps!

How do you create must-have offers  with irresistible call-to-actions for your audience? Just follow these four easy steps.   Read More…


How to Know the Difference Between Your Customer Base and Your Target Market

How to Know the Difference Between Your Customer Base and Your Target Market. Here is how to sell more of your products and services. Read More…

The Power of Telling Your Personal Story Through Email!

Understanding the power of storytelling in marketing is one of the main reasons your readers will pick your business over your competitors. Read More…

Social Media Platform Logos

How To Make the Right Offers To Your Customers!

To make sure that you’re putting the right offers in front of your customers and generate revenue you’ll need to do three things. Read More…

How To Successfully Promote Your Business

If you apply these principles to successfully promote your business and do them effectively and consistently, the results can be significant. Read More…

How To Market Your Brick & Mortar Business to Online Customers

Market Your Brick & Mortar Business to Online Customers by Creating an Exceptional Customer Experience in 4 Steps! Read More…

How To Identify Your Target Market!

The first step in identifying who your niche or target market is by determining their emotional motivation and needs in these simple steps. Read More…

Digital Marketing

How to Use Digital Marketing to Grow Your Business Without Getting a Migraine!

Trying to keep up with social media can be an overwhelming endeavor. We share our own strategy for creating powerful digital marketing   .Read More…

How To Effectively Market Your New Business!

Where do you as a new owner start marketing your business? Here are five of the most effective ways to get started. Read More…

How To Create Your Marketing Message and Generate More Sales!

Your “Marketing Message” should identify a FEATURE of your product or service and the ADVANTAGE and BENEFIT of owning and using it to your customer. Read More…

More From Market Your Business             __________________

How To Create Landing Pages That Convert!

Your landing page is an opportunity — to turn followers into subscribers, to provide incredible value to your prospects. Here is how to create yours. Read More…

How To Attract Your Ideal Customer and Increase Sales!

One of the greatest tools of growing your small business into a raging success is to attract your ideal customer by using a not so secret weapon called “The Cool Factor”. Read More…

Ideal Customer

How To Build Your Own Iconic Brand Without A Big Brand Budget!

One of the biggest questions entrepreneurs like you have once you start your own business is how to successfully build your business brand.  Read More…

Cool by Association

The Cool Factor and Why Your Business Needs It Right Now!

The Cool Factor by Association. Here is what it is, where it comes from,  why you need it, and how your business can use it too! Read More…

Start Your Own Business

5 Simple Marketing Secrets You Can Use Now to Grow Your Business!

Your digital and traditional marketing activities need to be synchronized. Here is how you can market your business and increase sales.  Read More…

Creating a Great Offer

7 Easy Steps To Creating A Great Offer!

Creating a great offer will make all the difference when it comes to generating sales. Here is how using this simple framework. Read More…

3 Easy Steps To Understand What Your Customer's Want!

You’ve been told when it comes to business marketing, your most valuable asset is your customer list. Here are 3 easy ways to know them better.  Read More…

How To Make Your Online Business Faster and Easier!

Are you looking for a way to make your online business easier and faster? Here is a complete solution designed for online businesses. Read More…

Introduce New Product or Service

How To Introduce a New Product or Service To Your Customers!

November and March consistently are the best times of the year to introduce our newest creative project, book, products, or services. Here are 3 ways to make it a success. Read More…

Customer Demand

How To Create Greater Demand for Your Products or Services!

The first step in creating greater customer demand for your products and services is to change how your product or service is perceived by your target market. Read More…