Storytelling in marketing

The Power of Telling Your Personal Story Through Email!


Storytelling in marketing is a powerful way to create an emotional connection with your audience, especially when you are using email or video. Good salespeople and marketers understand the importance and power of storytelling in marketing — and they use it to their advantage.


Create an Emotional Connection Using Storytelling in Marketing

It’s why Coca-Cola doesn’t sell you carbonated water, high-fructose corn syrup, phosphoric acid, and caramel coloring — it sells you a “feeling.” Coca-Cola used storytelling in marketing to create an emotional connection.

The company’s most iconic commercial of all time “I’d like to buy the world a Coke” focuses on the drink being a commonality among people all over the world. It brings people together — regardless of their backgrounds, faith, gender, race, or opinions. No one even takes a sip of the soda in the ad.

It’s this emotional connection — this feeling — that makes your business and marketing memorable. It makes your brand stand out among the myriad of marketing messages — email, text messages, social media, TV, voicemail, commercials — that people are bombarded with every single day. An emotional connection with you is one of the main reasons your readers will pick your business over your competitors. This is the power of storytelling in marketing.


Understanding the importance and power of storytelling in marketing is one of the main reasons your readers will pick your business over your competitors.


Storytelling in Marketing using Email or Video

So, tell your personal story and use storytelling in marketing email. You don’t need to become Charles Dickens or Jane Austen to understand and use storytelling in marketing. You just need to tell an engaging tale about your products and services, and why they matter to your subscribers.

Want to make sure your story makes it into your subscribers’ inboxes, not their spam folders? Then you want AWeber’s industry-leading deliverability. Sign up for your free 30-day trial today!

Want more great email writing tips? Check out AWeber’s FREE What to Write course, an email series that helps you craft the perfect emails. Plus, it comes with 45+ content templates so you can just fill in the blanks!

Connect With Your Email List Using Storytelling in Marketing

If you’re ready to start sending phenomenal emails to your subscribers, then you’ll want to start by using storytelling in marketing emails. We HIGHLY recommend AWeber’s easy-to-use automation tools, free educational marketing content, and the best Customer Solutions team (seriously, they won TWO Stevie Awards last year, which are basically the Oscars of the service industry), they have everything you need to make your email marketing successful. I have been using AWeber for over a decade!

AWeber is one of our favorite tools to help you during your remote working opportunity! Hope this streamlines things for you a bit. Let us know how you are doing and if you have any questions as we travel together through this unique time on our planet!

Connect With Your Video Audience Using Storytelling in Marketing

Just like Coca-Cola, using storytelling in marketing with your video audience is an incredible way to visually create and emotional connection with your viewing audience. If you are new to the video creation world we have a FANTASTIC tool for you. We have been using videos in our educational programs for decades and by far our greatest asset and ally has been Camtasia by TechSmith.



Something Special to Help You Get Started!


We hope this post has inspired you with a more effective way of marketing your business and help you generate real results. In addition, we want to empower you with tools to actually do the things you just learned, so that you can personally experience the level of success you are currently seeking.

The more you know about who your ideal customers are, the more focused you can make your message. In addition, the more focused your message is, the more effective it will be in creating business success. To help you accomplish this we have a Marketing Message Toolkit that you can purchase and download here. It will guide you step by step through everything we are talking about today and help you implement it into your business right away. Super simple to use and works great for podcasting and video creators as well! If you have any questions along the way please feel free to reach out to us. We are happy to help.

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Now, we have a few more things for you!


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More Success Tips!

If you are looking for more practical hands-on help we have two other resources for you. First, we have created Business Genesis  and our Small Business Toolkit for small business owners just like you to help you start and grow your own successful business and meet today’s challenges head-on with confidence. You can find yours right here.

Small Business Toolkit

Business Genesis is a Step-by-Step Online Training Course That Shows You How to Start, Grow, and Market Your Own Successful Business Doing What You Love!

Everything you need to guide your very first steps is laid out for you in simple , easy to understand and organized modules with easily accessible lessons.

Business Genesis shows you exactly how to create financial security and build your brand and customer base, shows what works in marketing your business to the world, and guides you how to leave a legacy of success with tips and tools to help you build financial security and positive impact on your local and internet community.

You can finally enjoy the freedom of doing something you love and generating an income you can actually live on. Get Started Now!