How to Get Your Customers to Buy

How to Get Your Customers to Buy in 4 Easy Steps!


We all get tons of offers every day, whether it is in person, via email, our phone, or through social media. If you are like me, you probably do not act on every offer you receive. Sometimes it is because you do not want to spend the money. Perhaps you do not have the time, or you would not want an item even if they paid you to take it. As a result, you do not respond to their call-to-action.

However, there is that one moment when you see an offer and it is just what you have been looking for. The perfect solution to your current need and as a result, you can’t wait a moment longer to get it.

The offer is the centerpiece of every campaign, but it is sometimes hard to keep your own experiences as a consumer in mind when you are trying to create an offer and call-to-action for your business, product, or service. So, how do you create must-have offers  with irresistible call-to-actions for your audience? Just follow these four easy steps:


Who Is Your Customer? 

  • What would your customer want or need?
  • Who or what has motivated your customer to act in the past?
  • What are your customers’ frustrations and what problems are they trying to solve?
  • As a result, what are your customers feeling or needing because of the life experiences they have been through?
  • How do they talk about their hopes, dreams, and aspirations?


We can’t stress enough how important it is to try and connect with an ideal client emotionally.


Find What is Unbelievably Attractive to Your Ideal Client.

In the simplest sense, an offer is valuable if it addresses the desires, wants, problems, needs, and interests of your target audience. What is the problem that they are trying to solve and what is getting in their way? Is it a tool they need? Is it a skill they need? What is it that is getting in the way of them being able to solve their problem? That takes some market research, so start asking people how they like to consume information, whether they like to work in person or in groups, if they like to travel for retreats, etc.


Get Your Customers to Buy by Solving  Their Problem


As a result, once you have that information your offers will practically create themselves. As an example, show your customer how your product or service can easily solve their problem that they have not been able to do for themselves. What is it about your business, product, or service that your ideal client cannot get anywhere else? What do you do better than everyone else in your industry does, hands down? In short, take your ideal client and your product or service, and connect the two by creating an offer.

Ask Yourself “Would I want this?”

Imagine that you are your customer. That is to say, what types of offers would compel you to respond? What are the deal makers (easy to say yes to) and what are the deal breakers (easy to say no to)?  Would you personally take advantage of this offer? The answer should be “Yes, definitely!” If that is not your personal answer, repeat steps 2 and 3.


Your Call to Action


Once the offer is something you would go for, wrap it up with a clear call to action that shows your audience how they can get it. Because, your best offers are the ones that continually empower your ideal customer to overcome whatever obstacles they might currently be facing by using your product or service. Keep these tips in mind and your offer will lead you to success.


Create a Clear Call to Action

What is a call to action? Simply put, a call to action is telling a reader, visitor, or potential customer exactly what you want them to do next.

Be concise.

Ask your visitor very succinctly to do that very thing (“Click here,” “Buy now,” “Enter your address,” “Leave a comment,” etc.). Do not beat around the bush. Do not couch it in flowery or wordy language so they get derailed. Be straightforward.

Tell them how.

Do not just tell them that they should do something; tell them how to do it, especially if it is not immediately apparent. The link you want them to click, the form you want them to fill out, or the button you want them to press should be very clear.



Get Your Customers to Buy by Eliminating Competing Calls to Action.


Do not let your main call to action get lost among 10, 15 or 25 others. For example, if you are selling an eBook or another product online, consider making your eBook sales page a single column page. Not having a sidebar means fewer distractions that might take them away from a purchase. You want them to follow the link to buy your eBook. You do not want their eyes to wander to the sidebar and follow the ad to someone’s site…and never buy your book!

Now onto the good stuff! You know what to do. Now we are going to show you how you can implement it into your own marketing and business models and share with you the tools we use to do exactly the same things. Here we go…

Even if you create physical products and services a portion of your business will still need to be online. That means you are going to need to connect with your customers online as well as in your physical place of business if you operate out of a traditional brick and mortar. If your business connection with your customer base is primarily online these tools are essential to any successful business and they are ones we use ourselves.


Marketing Tools You Can Use



For direct personalized communication with your customers we use AWeber. What we love about AWeber is that it is super personalized and your customers can simply click reply and message you back. It feels like messaging  back and forth with a friend and right now I think we could all use a bit more connection and feeling like we are valued and heard. We defiantly recommend AWeber and their customer support is awesome!


Next, you are going to want to reach out to new customers using social media. Each platform has their own specific post requirements, but we have found a wonderful one-stop-shop solution that allows us to create great posts and that would be Canva. It’s actually really fun to use and has a ton of resources to help get you started. Social media just become fun again with the help of Canva!


Finally, you definitely are going to want to convey your marketing message on your website. If you have a WordPress site we have a wonderful tool that is actually fun to use and DIVI empowers you to keep your website and marketing message fresh and up to date. In fact, we used DIVI to build our entire website. Consequently, we are able to update our site whenever we need. You can add DIVI now to your existing WordPress site and start using it today. DIVI offers a ton of support and their customer service is great! DIVI is super easy, super customizable, and you don’t need to know any coding.


Something Special to Help You Get Started!



We hope this post has inspired you with a more effective way of marketing your business and help you generate real results. If you have never had any experience identifying your target market or creating your marketing message before, we know that it can feel a little daunting, but we have the cure for that. We want to empower you with tools to actually do the things you just learned, so that you can personally experience the level of success you are currently seeking.


The more you know about who your ideal customers are, the more focused you can make your message. In addition, the more focused your message is, the more effective it will be in creating business success. To help you accomplish this we have a Marketing Message Toolkit that you can purchase and download here. It will guide you step by step through everything we are talking about today and help you implement it into your business right away. Super simple to use and works great for podcasting and video creators as well!  If you have any questions along the way please feel free to reach out to us. We are happy to help.


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Now, we have a few more things for you!


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More Success Tips!

If you are looking for more practical hands-on help we have two other resources for you. First, we have created Business Genesis  and our Small Business Toolkit for small business owners just like you to help you start and grow your own successful business and meet today’s challenges head-on with confidence. You can find yours right here.

Small Business Toolkit


Business Genesis is a Step-by-Step Online Training Course That Shows You How to Start, Grow, and Market Your Own Successful Business Doing What You Love!

Everything you need to guide your very first steps is laid out for you in simple , easy to understand and organized modules with easily accessible lessons.

Business Genesis shows you exactly how to create financial security and build your brand and customer base, shows what works in marketing your business to the world, and guides you how to leave a legacy of success with tips and tools to help you build financial security and positive impact on your local and internet community.

You can finally enjoy the freedom of doing something you love and generating an income you can actually live on. Get Started Now!