5 Key Email Marketing Tips for More Email Opens!


We have all been there.  You work hard to deliver engaging email marketing content, but your open rates just aren’t where you would like them. Today we are going to walk you through five proven tips to accelerate your email marketing open rates, get your customers engaged, and eager for more.


Subject Lines: Your Key to Email Marketing

If you use email marketing to reach your customers you’re probably concerned about people clicking on links in your emails – links to purchase items, read articles, share your content.  You also know that in order for those clicks to happen, the customer first has to open your email. While your relationship with your customers and the timing of your email marketing will play their own respective roles, what the subscriber actually sees in their inbox plays the biggest role in whether or not the email your email gets opened.

Take Your Time With Headlines. They’re Not Always Easy

Email marketing headlines can sometimes be a challenging part of any email marketing sales letter. In fact, we typically spend a good 15 to 20 minutes brainstorming before we come up with a headline that we like. Have some fun using these formulas. Don’t censor yourself, just be creative, and then when you have created one for each of the approaches listed above go back and see which ones are usable. If you’re stuck, try doing what we usually do. It works for us nearly every time.  Write the rest of your piece first and then scan what you have written.  Your headline is probably hiding in plain sight!

In the world of email marketing, your first impression is your headline and it can lead to either business success…or failure. As we have said before, It’s important to realize that headlines work best when they appeal to your reader’s interests, not yours.

Not only can a good headline grab attention, they can also make your message easy to read, convey your main selling points, and lead your customer to a sale. Remember, you have only about three seconds before your customer makes a choice to open your email or delete it.  So you want to go for a bold statement that the reader can’t pass up!


What You Need To Know About Your Email Marketing Subject Lines

The subject line in all of your email marketing needs to catch your subscribers’ attention while also communicating what’s in the message. This article is a good study on why clear subject lines are important. When crafting a subject line, ask yourself:

Does it invoke a sense of urgency? Subscribers will be compelled to open your email if you emphasize they should do it now. This works best for sales and special offers, otherwise it might sound too pushy.

Does consistency work better for your audience? If you’re sending out a weekly or monthly newsletter, you might be better off using a consistent format such as “Newsletter #10: This Week’s Topic.” Some marketers using a consistent subject line format report high open rates.

Are your subject lines compelling? If you don’t have a special offer or consistent pattern, you’ll need to find what will compel readers to open your emails. Using lists can work well, for example, “Top 10 Recipes For Big Family Dinners.” You can also try asking a question, for example, “Do You Know The Best Ingredient For Kids?”

A good way to think about subject lines is this: can you summarize the benefits of your email in one short sentence? That’s your subject line.

Long vs. Short Email Marketing Subject Lines   

You might have a hard time deciding whether to keep the subject line short and sweet or try a longer, more descriptive version.

The inbox for one subscriber may display more characters in the subject line than the inbox for another subscriber. Even so,  Email Marketing Experiments reported that longer subject lines worked better in this case study.

That doesn’t necessarily mean longer is better, though. Word to the Wise recommends sticking with the “quality over quantity” mentality. Another concern is that more emails are being read on mobile devices, and mobile screens won’t display the longer subject lines.


So, how do you convince your subscribers to open your email? By crafting the perfect subject line. We’ll look at ways you can do that for your email marketing.
Here are 9 easy headline formulas we use in our own email marketing:

  1. The Question:

“Are You Worried About the Future of Your Business?”

A question automatically gets your readers involved in your email marketing message, because it gets them thinking about it and creating an answer in their own minds. Many people will read further just to find out what answer or solution you may provide. Again, make sure the question focuses on your customers’ most urgent need, not on your latest product or service. A bad example would be: “Have You Heard About the New Amazing Product/Service We’ve Created?” Your message has just been deleted.  No one cares!  A good example would be “Do you want to live the life of your dreams after retirement?”  Living the Life of Your Dreams After Retirement is the title of a best selling book by Dr. Sue Ferreira MD.

  1. The How-To:

“How to Get Thinner Thighs in 30 Days”

How-to headlines work very well, because people love information that give them step by step guidance on how to do to solve their problem. Thousands of book titles begin with “How to….  such as my own title “How to Get More Customers and Grow Your Business”.  Think of the results your product/service offers your customer and then create a few “how to” headlines.

  1. The Testimonial:

“Alexandra is an outstanding Business Strategist and Success Coach. D. M. “Sista’ Joy” Foster   Chicago IL.”  “Alexzandra is very professional and she is willing to help you one on one and give you tips and advice to help your business take off.”  Karen Cenci   Cottontown Tennessee

Why not let your clients do the selling for you? Their commendations can go a long way in convincing others to use your products or services. Here is an important tip: To appear credible, always include your clients’ information (as much as they are comfortable with) such as name, city, state, business name, etc.

  1. The Command:

“Boost Your Business Today!”

Turn your most important benefit into an ACTION headline for your email marketing campaigns or newsletters. A few examples: “Make More Time for Your Family This Weekend,” “Look Younger Instantly!”,  “Get More Clients and Grow Your Business This Month.”

  1. The News:

“Introducing Our New Revolutionary Product /Service !”

Caution: This only works if you truly have something big to announce that is of interest to your reader.  This needs to be something that your company has to offer that will make your customers’ life or business better and meet their most pressing needs.  Don’t try to make big headlines out of something that’s old news.

  1. The Promise:

“Give Me 3 Days, and I’ll Show You How to turn Your Struggling Business into a Success”

I first used this a year ago with my Ask Alexzandra Live Event invitation page, and then started seeing similar headlines for other live events. This is a good one and I suggest you use it, but be sure you back it up!

  1. The Secret:

“SECRET REVEALED: How Any Business Owner Can Easily and Consistently Use Email to Leverage Their Business and Make Extra Cash Each Month.”

Shhhh…. it’s a secret!  And this says it all…who it’s for, what they’ll learn, and what type of results they can expect if they use these methods.

  1. Number:

“7 Things the Most Successful Entrepreneurs Do That You Can Start Doing Today to Build Your Own Empire”

People love numbers.  They convey a sense of order and predictability. That’s why you see so many magazine covers promoting articles like “The 3 things your husband isn’t telling you” and “101 great fashion finds for spring”. Numbers tell us exactly what we’re going to get. Some studies show people prefer odd numbers to even ones because they can’t be divided evenly.  There aren’t additional options which goes to the sense of predictability.  Also, other studies have shown most people can only remember 7 things at any one time such as digits in a phone number so try to limit your number to seven or less.

  1. Who-Else:

“Who Else Wants to Work, Be Their Own Boss and Make a Million?”

This conveys to the reader three powerful motivators. Empowerment, Freedom, and a sense of Community.



Something Special to Help You Get Started!



We hope this post has inspired you with a more effective way of marketing your business and help you generate real results. In addition, we want to empower you with tools to actually do the things you just learned, so that you can personally experience the level of success you are currently seeking.


The more you know about who your ideal customers are, the more focused you can make your message. In addition, the more focused your message is, the more effective it will be in creating business success. To help you accomplish this we have a Marketing Message Toolkit that you can purchase and download here. It will guide you step by step through everything we are talking about today and help you implement it into your business right away. Super simple to use and works great for podcasting and video creators as well!  If you have any questions along the way please feel free to reach out to us. We are happy to help.


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More Success Tips!

If you are looking for more practical hands-on help we have two other resources for you. First, we have created Business Genesis  and our Small Business Toolkit for small business owners just like you to help you start and grow your own successful business and meet today’s challenges head-on with confidence. You can find yours right here.



Small Business Toolkit

Business Genesis is a Step-by-Step Online Training Course That Shows You How to Start, Grow, and Market Your Own Successful Business Doing What You Love!

Everything you need to guide your very first steps is laid out for you in simple , easy to understand and organized modules with easily accessible lessons.

Business Genesis shows you exactly how to create financial security and build your brand and customer base, shows what works in marketing your business to the world, and guides you how to leave a legacy of success with tips and tools to help you build financial security and positive impact on your local and internet community.

You can finally enjoy the freedom of doing something you love and generating an income you can actually live on. Get Started Now!