The #1 Way to Become Successful!


No matter what kind of business you are in at this moment, the number one way in which to become successful starts within you. Regardless if your business is online or person to  person, the primary focus of all your efforts and interactions must be to convey to your customers, clients, and those you work with the impression of increase, or more, of them being better off for having done business with you or to associate with you.

If you intentionally make your customers and colleagues aware that your primary purpose and intent for doing business with them is to offer them a tangible sense of increase, people will naturally be drawn to you. You will never be lacking for customers or opportunities. So, what does creating a sense of increase mean exactly and how do you effectively apply it to your own personal situation in a very real-life way? If you are ready to get started, we have created our Business Growth Blueprint that you can purchase and download Right Here! Open it up and we can get started together now.


How to Become Successful

Let’s start here. This inner drive  to become successful and for more life is inherent in all of nature, including you and I. Everything we do as a species is an outward expression of our inner primal urge to live more fully. For a better way of being in this world. Leveling-up if you will. We all want more. We all want better, and that is a good thing. We are expressing our internal drive for more life and to live it well. This internal drive is how your customers, clients, co-workers, and service providers choose to do business with you or not. All of our choices and decisions are based on our desire to live better, for increase. To live life more fully. We are looking for better food, nicer clothes, more comfortable homes, more luxury in our lifestyle, increased knowledge and understanding, more fun and entertainment. A more efficient, streamlined, secure, and less stressful way of doing business,  We are looking for an increase in something, and that something is a better way of being.

Here is the other side of this and it is important for you to understand it, because it holds tremendous opportunities for you. Every living thing on our planet, including the Earth itself, is driven by the need for increased life. When that forward momentum of life is inhibited or denied, death and decay set in at once. All of nature, including you and I instinctively know this. It is why we all are continually seeking more life and a better way of being. Where there is less life, inhibited growth, pollution, frustration, lack of understanding, and emotional disconnection, there is an urgent opportunity for you to offer increased life. Solve a problem, meet a need, offer an opportunity for increased growth, more life, emotional connection, happiness, and a better way of being.

Here is the other side of this and it is important for you to understand it, because it holds tremendous opportunities for you. Every living thing on our planet, including the Earth itself, is driven by the need for increased life. When that forward momentum of life is inhibited or denied, death and decay set in at once. All of nature, including you and I instinctively know this. It is why we all are continually seeking more life and a better way of being. Where there is less life, inhibited growth, pollution, frustration, lack of understanding, and emotional disconnection, there is an urgent opportunity for you to offer increased life. Solve a problem, meet a need, offer an opportunity for increased growth, more life, emotional connection, happiness, and a better way of being.


Become Financially Successful

Let’s talk about becoming financially successful. There has been a long held belief that the desire for financial wealth is somehow evil. In truth, the desire for greater financial abundance is simply our aspiration for the resources necessary to live our lives more fully. For increase. Because this desire is rooted from deep within each of us, we are naturally drawn to those who can empower us with the tools and resources we need to accomplish our goals. To give us what we need to level-up in the area of our life that we feel the greatest need. No matter where you are in your own life at this moment, if you are continually offering increased life to everyone you meet during your day, you will in fact, benefit by continually receiving increased life yourself. That is just how it works.

Successful Marketing and Branding

The next thing we want to talk about in becoming successful is your messaging. Successful marketing and branding applies not only to your business, but to you personally as well. Even if you are a student and just starting out in life. It is how people perceive you as a person. Success is not an achievement. It is a daily way of being in your everyday personal life as well as how you operate your business or career. You are a creative center and a potential source of success and increased life to everyone you come in contact with throughout your day. If you want to experience wealth, success, and increased life for yourself. you need to first generate it for others. Even if at this moment you are only working part-time for someone else, no matter how small the transaction, make sure you accomplish these four things in every conversation or transaction.


  • Continually look for opportunities to meet the primal urge for increased life, more happiness, and a better way of being for your customers as well as those you come in contact with throughout your day .
  • Make sure that your customers or the people you encounter during your day are fully aware, that is in fact, your intent and purpose for doing what you do. This applies to your personal way of being throughout your day as well as any business transactions.
  • Next, make sure your customers, colleagues, and friends leave you with the feeling they are better off for having done business with you or being with you specifically. Because you are intentionally cultivating success they will experience an increase simply by association with you and or your business.
  • One of the best ways to accomplish this if you are a business owner is to make sure that the product or service you offer is of greater use-value than the price your customers paid you for it. In other words, your product or service empowers your customers to accomplish a much greater or reoccurring goal. It is the old “teach a man to fish so he can feed his village” philosophy.  If you take honest pride in this and convey this is your actual intent in all of your messaging, you will have no shortage of customers. People are naturally drawn to where they feel they will be provided with an increase. We want to do the same thing for you and that is why we have created a step by step guide and tools to help you actually do what we are talking about inside our Business Genesis course and implement it into your business right away. You can get started Right Here!

Convey the impression and intent of personal and professional growth and success with everything you do. Do this intentionally so that people are left with the impression that you and your business are successful, growing, advancing, and they themselves will experience growth and success by associating with you or doing business with you. Success is your daily way of being and you accomplish that by intentionally generating success for others in whatever capacity that may mean for you at this moment in your life.  Here is my #1 principle of success; What you want for yourself, you must first generate for others. Here are three steps to get you started.

Whether it is a very personal relationship, friendship, business relationship, causual social relationship, or even your online presence and brand, if you can contribute just three very important things that relationship and bond will grow and those people will seek you out again and again. We all are looking for the same three things.

  1. To feel safe.
  2. To feel valued.
  3. To feel empowered.

Since our primary focus here is business relationships, we are going to give you examples of how to implement these three key factors into your business practices. Let’s start with your messaging since that is most likely how your customer is going to be introduced to you and your business products and services.

STEP ONE: To make your customers feel safe they need to be able to trust you. If you say your going to do something, you had better follow up exactly as promised or even level-up if possible. That is always a great move. You also need to let your customers know that your business operates at a higher standard of ethics. This is super important in your social media posts. We like CANVA to create social media posts that connect with our customer base and convey who we are and what we believe in on an emotional level that is meaningful to our customers.   That same message should also be conveyed right on the home page of your website above the fold. Your customers need to know who you are, what you believe in, and how you can help them right from the get-go.

STEP TWO: To make your customers feel valued you need to give them a voice, a way to be heard and then for pete’s-sake stop talking and listen. “No-reply” email blasts are a death sentence for your business. Give your customer a voice by letting them reply to your messages and then acknowledge what they are saying to you. We highly recommend and use AWeber as our tool of choice to connect with and grow friendships with our customer base.

STEP THREE: To make your customers feel empowered give them the solutions and tools they need to meet their most urgent needs and solve their most pressing problems. If you are a done-for-you service based business then let your customers know what their next step should be and what they can expect from you during the process as you solve their problem for them. If you have noticed in the two previous steps above we have provided you with links to tools that will empower you to do what you just learned. We also have a third tool for you just below.

Now, are you ready for this? You can do all three steps above by just taking one very important, very simple action that very few people actually do very often or very well and it is this. Talk less, listen more and then follow it up with action. The most important part of your success is listening to what your very best customers are telling you. Letting your customers know that your company has heard what they said and are taking action to meet their needs and solve your customers’ problems will make them feel safe because you let them know you care about what they have to say. Your customers will feel valued because you have let them know your company is taking actions based on your customers’ conveyed needs to create products and services that will help your customers solve those same needs.  Your customers will feel empowered because by doing business with you, they now have a connection to a trusted resource they can turn to whenever they have a need for your products and services. You have just created the key to your personal and business success! Well done you!

We hope this post inspired you with a better way of doing business that will help you generate real results. We also want to empower you with tools to actually do the things you just learned, so that you can personally experience the level of success you are currently seeking. We have gathered an entire collection of tools and resources that we love and put them all in one place to make it easy for you to locate the ones you currently need. Some we have partnered with and some we just really like. You can find the entire collection of RESOURCES right here. 


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Now, we have a few more things for you!


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More Success Tips!

If you are looking for more practical hands-on help we have two other resources for you. First, we have created Business Genesis  and our Small Business Toolkit for small business owners just like you to help you start and grow your own successful business and meet today’s challenges head-on with confidence. You can find yours right here.

Small Business Toolkit

Business Genesis is a Step-by-Step Online Training Course That Shows You How to Start, Grow, and Market Your Own Successful Business Doing What You Love!

Everything you need to guide your very first steps is laid out for you in simple , easy to understand and organized modules with easily accessible lessons.

Business Genesis shows you exactly how to create financial security and build your brand and customer base, shows what works in marketing your business to the world, and guides you how to leave a legacy of success with tips and tools to help you build financial security and positive impact on your local and internet community.

You can finally enjoy the freedom of doing something you love and generating an income you can actually live on. Get Started Now!