Marketing Your Business

5 Ways To Grow Your Customer Base!


In today’s world of opportunity almost everything you want to do has already been done by someone else including successfully growing your business and your customer base. It doesn’t matter whether you want to start and grow your own business, become financially independent, create a new product or service, someone has already done it and left clues how to do it successfully and that is what we are going to talk about today.

One of the biggest challenges most businesses have is the need to get your business noticed and grow your customer base. Regardless if you are a traditional brick and mortar or online business, if your sales are slow and your business is not seeing the rate of growth you would like it may be because you need more traffic to your place of business and website. 

So, how do you do that? How do you create more interest and get your business noticed? How do your products or services become customer favorites and consistently generate the kind of growth year after year that you would like? I have a lot of information for you here, so I have boiled it down into five nuggets and then I will give you some tools to help simplify and streamline the process for you. 

Identify Your Target Market

Step 1: Identify Your Target Customer

  •  Create an ideal customer profile.
    •  Name:
    •  Gender:
    •  Age:
    •  Appearance: (What do they wear? eg.: Suit/tie, medical scrubs, tee shirt/jeans, etc.)
    •  Current Occupation:
    •  Marital Status/Children:
    • Common Trait or Group Identifier: (Shared experience, situation, circumstance, etc.)

Creating a clear picture of your best customer makes them seem more real to you (especially if your business is predominantly or even exclusively online) and gives you a more meaningful and personal understanding of the needs, habits, lifestyle, and priorities of the customers that will buy the most from you.

It will also impact how you do business, market your products and services, what social media platforms you choose, how your website is designed, the type of new products and services you develop, even your business hours if you are a traditional brick and mortar. This is one of the most powerful steps you can take to grow your customer base. 

Step 2: Identify Your Customers Most Urgent Need

  • Offer customer feedback opportunities.
  • Join relevant social media groups.
  • Read or listen to news reports regarding your area of business.
  • Provide customer follow-up.
  • Ask customers at time of sale

Once you understand who your ideal customer is it will be easier for you to identify and understand the nuances of your customers needs, how they rank in priority, and perhaps most importantly, which is the most urgent and why. If you could use some help with this one, we have created an easy to understand program called Business Genesis. Inside you will get every thing you need including free tools to help you actually do what you learn as you go. You can get started Right Here!

Now that you understand your customers’ needs your next step is to create pathways that build strong and long lasting relationships with them. One of the most effective ways to grow your customer base is providing opportunities for them to quickly and easily give you feedback. Social media and specifically Twitter has become the new and oftentimes preferred customer service department.

Customers can leave reviews, engage with other customers creating a community of raving fans, ask questions or request assistance all from the convenience of their home. You will be able to connect with each customer on a personal level, provide exceptional service, and gain valuable feedback that will guide your next steps as you grow your customer base and your business.

Step 3: Make Sure You are Offering the Products and Services Your Customers Want to Buy.

  • What is your best selling product or service and who is buying it?
  • What are they using it for and how can you provide additional products or services that will help them even more?
  • What other similar individuals, groups, or businesses could you also provide these types of products or services for?

This is particularly key if your business is primarily online. Checking your website analytics daily will provide you with key information about just what your customers are interested in and what solutions they are looking for. This is also why interacting with your customers on social media is also key in making sure you are providing the products and services your customers are actually wanting.

If your sales are still a bit slow and you don’t feel like you are growing your customer base at the rate you would like, try connecting with a group or organization that could benefit from your company’s products or services. Just make sure you are offering them great value if they are buying in bulk. 

We would also suggest if possible that you do something extra in person for the employees of this company, such as a special lunch or something else that will introduce your company to them and help build your brand awareness to a whole new group of potential customers. 

One of our favorite resources for this is our partners at They have just about everything you could possibly need for your website and truly exceptional customer service. Plus, they are extremely affordable! 

Connect with Customers

Step 4: Emotionally Engage and Connect with Your Customers

  • Engage on Social Media
  • Offer Zoom Video Call Customer Service
  • Send a Text Message (post sale) follow-up.
  • Send a personal email
  • Send a “snail-mail” card.
  • Create a social media customer group
  • Send out samples of new products or services

We’ve had a rough go the last couple of years and your customers are no different. To grow your customer base and create a real connection with you and your products or services, your customers need three things from you.

  • They need to feel safe doing business with you..
  • They need to feel valued by you.
  • They need to feel empowered by your products or services to reach their goal and solve their most urgent needs.

Step 5: Ask Repeat Customers to Invite Their Friends to Your Place of Business

  • Host “Thank You” event for your customers and ask them to bring a friend.
  • Participate in an event in your local community.
  • Invite local media to cover events or offer a press release.
  • Create synergistic partnerships with other business owners who share your customer base, but are not competitors.

Once you begin to take action, you’ll start getting feedback from your customer base. You’ll get data, advice, help, suggestions, direction, and even criticism that will help you constantly adjust and move forward towards growing your customer base while continually enhancing your knowledge, abilities, attitudes, and relationships.

So what is the magical question that can improve the quality of every relationship you are in, every product you produce, every service you deliver, every meeting you conduct, every class you teach, and every transaction you enter into?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the quality of our relationship (service/product) during the last week (2 weeks/month/quarter/semester/season)?

Here are a number of variations on the same question that have served me well over the years:
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the meeting we just had? Our product or service? Your experience on our website? Our response to your text or emails?

Any answer less than a 10 gets the follow-up question:
What would it take to make it a 10?

This is where the valuable information comes from. Knowing that a person is dissatisfied is not enough. Knowing in detail what will satisfy them gives you the information you need to do what is necessary to create a winning product, service, or relationship and grow your customer base. Once you receive feedback, you have to be willing to respond by making adjustments and changes that will grow your business!


Something to Help You Get Started!

Strategic Partnerships

To help make everything we have talked about a bit easier for you we have created a free tool for you we call our Business Growth Blueprint and you can download yours right here.  If you have a different resource, that’s okay. It is just important that you use it.

In your Business Growth Blueprint we have already done most of the work for you, so all you have to do is just fill in the blanks to a few questions and voila, you have identified your first potential partnership! Creating your own unique pathway to success can be worth its weight in gold as far as generating sales and growing your business. If you would like to find how you can start generating more sales this week just click here now!


Your Thoughts…

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Now, we have a few more things for you!


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More Success Tips!

If you are looking for more practical hands-on help we have two other resources for you. First, we have created Business Genesis  and our Small Business Toolkit for small business owners just like you to help you start and grow your own successful business and meet today’s challenges head-on with confidence. You can find yours right here.

Small Business Toolkit

Business Genesis is a Step-by-Step Online Training Course That Shows You How to Start, Grow, and Market Your Own Successful Business Doing What You Love!

Everything you need to guide your very first steps is laid out for you in simple , easy to understand and organized modules with easily accessible lessons.

Business Genesis shows you exactly how to create financial security and build your brand and customer base, shows what works in marketing your business to the world, and guides you how to leave a legacy of success with tips and tools to help you build financial security and positive impact on your local and internet community.

You can finally enjoy the freedom of doing something you love and generating an income you can actually live on. Get Started Now!