6 Simple Steps to Keep Your Customers

Coming Back and Buying More!


Customers have come to expect good products and services. What blows them away is when companies go beyond the line of duty by giving the ultimate customer experience.  Unexpected gestures are what turn a run-of-the-mill experience into one we’ll remember. Your employees have an important role to play in wowing customers by going beyond the call of duty.  Small actions can not only transform an experience into a memorable one, but also change the perception of an organization in customers’ eyes. It can make the difference between a one-time transaction and a continuous business relationship. Moreover, it can turn customers into advocates and promoters.


Step 1: Turn Every Transaction into A Wonderful Customer Experience


    • Express genuine interest
    • Offer sincere and specific compliments
    • Share unique knowledge
    • Convey authentic enthusiasm
    • Use appropriate humor
    • Provide pleasant surprises
    • Deliver service heroics when needed

This is much easier if to accomplish if your customer is shopping in-person. However, with more and more of us shopping online this can be more of a challenge. If you sell physical products online this is where your website shopping experience has to be as smooth as “butta” (that’s butter with a Brooklyn accent.). If you could use some extra help creating your onw ultimate customer experience we have a step by step guide inside our Business Genesis course. You will get everything you need including free tools to help you implement what you learn into your business as you go. You can Get Started Here!


Step 2: Create a Great Customer Experience With Thank-You’s and New Product/Service Intro’s

    • Personalize it.
    • Thank them
    • Help them relive the experience
    • Ask for feedback
    • Invite them back
    • Promote social sharing

This is a wonderful time to introduce new products to your customers. A quick email or text thanking them for their visit is a very simple way to do this. Include a mention that was specific to them before you make your offer. If possible, we would also suggest an offer of a free sample, a free digital gift, etc. The simplest and truly most effective way of doing all these things in one step is through a follow-up email and truly the best in the business is AWeber. We love these guys! If you are happy with the CRM (customer relationship management) service you have, great! Make sure you are putting it to good use. If not, we highly recommend our partners at AWeber.


Step 3: Host A Special Event for Your Best Customers

    • Build Brand Awareness
    • Generate New Customers
    • Build Long Term Relationships with Current Customers
    • Introduce Your New Products and Services
    • Do Something Unexpected or Innovative


This is a place where social media, your website, and even your local media can play a role in creating an amazing customer experience. More and more companies are using social media not only to build their brand awareness and introduce new products or services, but also as a customer service portal. Depending on your platform of choice, video is playing a larger and larger role. If the pandemic continues to disrupt in-person contact, hosting a live event online with a video replay is a great alternative. We have two great resources for you that we use all the time.

Our partners at Canva Pro helps us quickly create social media posts literally in just minutes. We can create a one post and then with one click it will transform to fit all our different social media platforms saving us so much time

The second is Tech Smith Camtasia. Okay, we admit it. We are slightly bias There are several video creation and editing products out there. However… we have been using Tech Smith products for over 15 years for a reason. They offer top quality products, step-by-step tutorials if you are a newbie, outstanding customer service and we are more than proud to recommend our partners to you.


Step 4: Create Personal Relationship with Your Customers


    • Communication is a contact sport, so do it early and often
    • Reward loyal customers
    • Go the extra mile
    • Treat every client as your most important one
    • Respond promptly to customer requests

Creating the ultimate customer experience is all about you and the way you interact with your customers and others you do business with. It is a personal choice and way of being in the world and if there was ever a time we needed it, it’s now. Your customers need three things from you. They need to feel safe doing business with you, they need to feel valued by you, and they need to feel empowered by your products and services to meet their needs and solve their current problem. Choosing to make the five things listed above a part of your daily business practices will help you accomplish that.


Step 5: Create Ways to Anticipate Your Customers Needs

    • Get to know your customers by asking the right questions
    • Customers appreciate alerts to products and services that can make their lives easier
    • Anticipate potential problems and offer solutions beforehand
    • Customer needs should be the driving focus of your company

Anticipating your customers’ needs means you must stay organized and have the ability to plan far ahead so that you are ready and fully prepared to meet that need. If we have learned anything in the business world over the last 18 months it is the art of the pivot, to be creative, and to innovate on the go. To do that at warp speed the way most of us had to in 2020 and 2021 means you will need exceptional communication and organizational skills that can be accessed by everyone you are working with, even remotely. Yes, we have a tool to help you,  Our partners at were very instrumental in actually helping several business owners in our community as they literally had to transform the way they do business overnight. Now has become an invaluable tool to help teams continue to resolve new issues, plan social media posts, anticipate consumer buying trends, schedule meetings and video calls, chart progress on projects, and more.


Step 6: Offer Free Samples That Are Relevant to Your Customers Current Needs


  • Spreads the word about your products and services
  • Shows your generosity and helps to create brand loyalty
  • Let’s your customers fall in love with what you have to offer
  • Great opportunity to get customer feedback and make sure you are offering what they are looking for
  • Reward your customers to spend a little more by offering free samples when they spend above a certain threshold

Let’s face it. We all are watching our budgets a little closer right now and probably will continue to do so for a while. We are making our buying decisions and prioritizing things differently. Offering your customers a taste of what they could expect from you, is a great way to create an amazing customer experience and help them comfortably know they are making the right choice. It helps to make them feel safe and confident in their decision to buy which in turn, strengthens their bond with you, your brand, and your product and services.

If you are shipping products, you could surprise your customer by including a free sample in their package. If you offer in person services, you could send an email with a coupon to try a new service from their usual choice. If your business is online, an emailed coupon or website opt-in download is a great choice.

Being a successful business owner comes down to just a few things and doing them incredibly well. One of which is continually building your repeat customer base. This is the Holy Grail when it comes to owning your own business and generating the kind of income that will keep you in business over the long term, as well as taking care of you and your family in the years to come.


Something to Help You Get Started!



If you have never had any experience identifying potential strategic partnerships in your market before, we know that it can feel a little daunting, but we have the cure for that. To help make everything we have talked about a bit easier for you we have created a free tool for you we call our Business Growth Blueprint and you can purchase and download yours right here.  If you have a different resource, that’s okay. It is just important that you use it.

In your Business Growth Blueprint we have already done most of the work for you, so all you have to do is just fill in the blanks to a few questions and voila, you have identified your first potential partnership! Creating your own unique pathway to success can be worth its weight in gold as far as generating sales and growing your business. If you would like to find how you can start generating more sales this week just click here now!


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More Success Tips!

If you are looking for more practical hands-on help we have two other resources for you. First, we have created Business Genesis  and our Small Business Toolkit for small business owners just like you to help you start and grow your own successful business and meet today’s challenges head-on with confidence. You can find yours right here.

Small Business Toolkit


Business Genesis is a Step-by-Step Online Training Course That Shows You How to Start, Grow, and Market Your Own Successful Business Doing What You Love!

Everything you need to guide your very first steps is laid out for you in simple , easy to understand and organized modules with easily accessible lessons.

Business Genesis shows you exactly how to create financial security and build your brand and customer base, shows what works in marketing your business to the world, and guides you how to leave a legacy of success with tips and tools to help you build financial security and positive impact on your local and internet community.

You can finally enjoy the freedom of doing something you love and generating an income you can actually live on. Get Started Now!