3 Key Business Tips That Could Save You Money and Generate More Business!


Q: As a first time entrepreneur, what business tips were you completely blind to before you started and which would you recommend before you start a new project?       A.J.  Martinson      Arlington, Texas USA


As a first time entrepreneur there are three business tips that we strongly recommend before you start a new project. I have to laugh a little at this question because it takes me back to my first mega disaster at age 20 when I opened my first company. As a result, I learned these tips the hard way. You won’t have to.

I was in a service industry and took on a client and a project that I had no business taking on. I was way over confident and I have to admit I was a little greedy (It was a multi-million dollar contract). What I didn’t do was double check on my client before I committed myself to the job to make sure they had the resources and stability to back up their claims and run the numbers carefully to insure that I would generate a profit, stay within their budget, and be able to meet their deadline without incurring extra labor expenses.

In just a few months after starting the project the company suddenly went bankrupt and I was out thousands of dollars. It was a real struggle to regain my confidence and financial stability. Years later and lesson learned, I was once again approached with a huge and potentially very profitable project. This time however, I took a different approach.

3 Business Tips for Entrepreneurs Before You Start New Projects

1. Full Vet a New Project in Advance

Even before our first meeting and with the clients full knowledge, I completed a full vetting process of them and their potential project.

2. Verify Costs

We then sat down to have our first meeting and go over their project and proposed budget, I had doubts about how realistic their budget was and asked for 48 hours to verify what I thought would be closer to the actual costs of the potential project. You noticed that I said “Potential” because I still had not committed myself to the project yet.

3. Take a Professional Approach

Taking a more methodical approach safeguarded my bottom line, but also presented a more professional demeanor to my client and let them know that I was looking out for their interest as well as my own by giving them the most accurate information that was available.


3 Business Tips for First-time Entrepreneurs to Help You Grow


The final result was that by extending the same level of professionalism and excellence throughout the project not only did I make a profit, I also had very happy customers. So happy in fact, that they referred my company to others resulting in two additional projects. The bottom line;


  • don’t take on projects bigger than your company,
  • verify everything before you commit,
  • and perform every task no matter how small with the highest level of excellence and professionalism.


Let’s Get You Started Now!

I hope this helped you in preparing for your own next big step.  If you need more in depth help we have created a Business Growth Blueprint to help you implement what you just learned into your business right now. You can get your Business Growth Blueprint right here!

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If you are looking for more practical hands-on help we have two other resources for you. First, we have created Business Genesis  and our Small Business Toolkit for small business owners just like you to help you start and grow your own successful business and meet today’s challenges head-on with confidence. You can find yours right here. 


Business Genesis is a Step-by-Step Online Training Course That Shows You How to Start, Grow, and Market Your Own Successful Business Doing What You Love!

Everything you need to guide your very first steps is laid out for you in simple , easy to understand and organized modules with easily accessible lessons.

Business Genesis shows you exactly how to create financial security and build your brand and customer base, shows what works in marketing your business to the world, and guides you how to leave a legacy of success with tips and tools to help you build financial security and positive impact on your local and internet community.

You can finally enjoy the freedom of doing something you love and generating an income you can actually live on. Get Started Now!