3 casually dressed young business owners in their wine shop.

How To Grow Your Business Faster, Stronger, Better!


One of the latest trends to grow your business faster, stronger, and better is one that we fully endorse is that of new businesses who are seeking to align their company’s mission statement and goals with philanthropic goals.  Entrepreneurs and small businesses embracing social entrepreneurship by incorporating philanthropy into their company’s business plans in the early stages reap the greatest rewards including faster growth and brand recognition, higher employee satisfaction, recruitment, and retention, greater productivity, and higher customer loyalty.


Grow Your Business With Employee Engagement.

“When employees feel their work is having a lasting impact in the community, it gives added value.  It becomes more than just something they do to get a paycheck. Your employees feel personally valuable because they see what they are doing and what your company is doing as something of value to their community and a sense of purpose. Typically in the past corporate philanthropy consisted of annual events  or donations such as community cleanups and seasonal giving drive.  Today companies looking to maximize their impact are taking a wider view of their company and aligning philanthropy with the year-round goals of the company. Connecting your philanthropic endeavors with the mission of your company is key to maximizing the benefit and impact of your company’s charitable giving. When your employees are given an opportunity in their community and in an area that they are experienced in to contribute in a specific way, it is all the more personally meaningful for the individual and your company.  Creating alignments with charitable organizations that support your customer base gives greater meaning to your work than simply participating in a one-day civic or social event.


Grow Your Business With Recruitment and Retention.

Today’s younger employees have brought new demands to the workplace. Our up and coming generations expect and want a connection to their community. Giving back has thankfully become an expectation.  Employees feel more positively about working for organizations that encourage contributing back to their communities, and recent research from Price Waterhouse Coopers showed a whopping 90% of recent graduates seek employers whose corporate behavior and sense of responsibility to their community reflects their own code of personal ethics.


Grow Your Business by Improving Job Performance

It is no secret that boosting your employees morale, not to mention your own, results in better job performance. Whether providing employees with an opportunity to volunteer for their own causes during work hours, or participating in activities as a team, getting involved in the community can provide leadership and learning opportunities, which can result in the development of new skills and ultimately lead to a more successful workforce. While you may worry that involvement in philanthropic initiatives will distract from work goals, the results are opposite. Employees tend to become even more driven and more productive because they experience a keen sense of personal satisfaction.


Grow Your Business by Building Relationships With Customers

Engaging actively in philanthropic causes that align with your customer base and your company’s mission, can improve how your community at large perceives your company, and build relationships with new customers while strengthening relationships with your repeat customers. These can serve as icebreakers and points of conversation between front line employees and new or returning customers.

Who are your charitable partners?  How is your company giving back to your community and who your company is benefiting?  We want to hear your stories!

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