The 5 Personality Types of Successful Entrepreneurs!

Whenever I try to picture what an innovator and entrepreneur look like, I get the same slideshow of images across my mind’s eye: that photo of Einstein, Tesla with his Coil, Steve Jobs onstage introducing Apple’s latest iThing. All have become the icons of innovation and even a bit cliché. Successful entrepreneurs tend towards one or more of five personality types. Knowing which one best fits you and which ones you need to add to your team could move you faster towards your success goals and keep you from making costly mistakes.

Innovation is not just about that golden “ah ha!” moment in front of your bathroom mirror while brushing your teeth or a doodle on a napkin over coffee with a friend. It’s about the nitty-gritty work that comes after the idea: getting it created, accepted, and implemented. Who are these faces and most importantly, where do you the small business owner fit in? Thinkers need doers to get things done, and idealists need number crunchers to tether them to reality. All play crucial roles in developing an idea, pushing it through the proper channels, developing a business strategy, and overseeing product development, and market execution. So here are the five personality types of successful business innovators and entrepreneurs.

Movers and Shakers

With a strong personal drive, these are leaders. A major incentive for this group is the idea of creating a legacy and wielding influence over others. These are the ones who like being in the front, driving projects forward (and maybe promoting themselves in the process), but at the end of the day, they provide the push to get things done. On the flip side, they can be a bit arrogant, and impatient with teamwork.


Persistent and open to all new things, creators are perhaps the perfect combination for bringing a new idea through the various phases of development and execution. “Where there s a will, there is a way,” is perhaps the best way to describe them. They’re perfectionists and tend to be workaholics, most likely because it takes an incredible amount of dedication, time and hard work to push through an idea or initiative that hasn’t yet caught on. They take deep pride in their achievements, but they also enjoy sharing their expertise with others; they’re that intense colleague who feels passionately about what they do and makes everyone else feel guilty for daydreaming during the meeting about what they plan on making for dinner that night. Because they’re so persistent, even in the face of sometimes considerable pushback, they’re crucial to the innovation cycle and tend to be risk-takers.

Star Pupils

Do you remember those kids in grade school who sat up in the front, whose hands were the first in the air anytime the teacher asked a question? Maybe they even shouted out “Ooh! Ooh!” too just to get the teacher to notice them first? This is the segment of the executive population those kids grew into. They’re good at…well, they’re good at everything, really: developing their personal brand, seeking out and cultivating the right mentors, identifying colleagues’ best talents and putting them to their best use. They’re the stem cells of the business world. Somehow, they seem to be able to rise through the ranks and make things happen, even when corporate culture seems stacked against them. Unsurprisingly, successful business owners tend to be Star Pupils.


Uncomfortable with risk, Controllers thrive on structure and shy away from more nebulous projects. Above all, they prefer to be in control of their domain and like to have everything in its place. As colleagues, they’re not exactly the team players and networker’s. Controllers are more insular and like to focus on concrete, clear-cut objectives where they know exactly where they stand and can better control everything around them. Controllers thrive on having complete control over all aspects of their sphere. They may be the business owner who has built an entire company around their personality.


Forget the less-than-flattering name; these business owners exist to bring everyone back down to earth and tether them to reality.. Like Controllers, they don’t embrace unstructured environments, and they tend to take things one step further, hewing to conventional wisdom and tried-and-true processes (e.g.; Microsoft) over the new and untested (e.g. Apple). This is not necessarily a bad set of characteristics to have in someone who has to be the one to remind everyone else of budget limitations and institutional processes.

How to Grow Your Team

No one group can be considered the purest “entrepreneurial group, but Movers and Shakers and Creators may be the closest. They have the strongest tendency to be internally driven, in control and bridle the most at others telling them what to do. Younger, more innovative small businesses generally need Movers and Shakers at the top, channeling the energy of Experimenters into a vision that can be implemented. As organizations grow larger and more established, however, they need Star Pupils who can translate that vision into a strategy and lead it forward, Controllers who can marshal the troops to execute it and Hangers-On who can rein it in. A firm reaching maturity has greater need for strong processes, as well as those who value control.

Some Extra Help

As we’ve seen time and again, unbridled innovation is a wonderful thing. But, it’s what comes next that’s arguably more important. To get an innovative idea off the ground, it’s crucial to have your own cast of characters who can keep that tension between risk-taking and reality at a healthy balance midway between the sky and the ground — where innovation can thrive. To help you get started we have created a  Business Startup Checklist that you can download right now to help you stay on track and successfully build your business. Get Yours Here! 


One last thing to help you, if recent global events have taught us anything as business owners, it is the art of the pivot. Being creative and flexible in how you do business will be key to generating more money, growth, and success as we move forward. To help you I have linked some additional articles below that are specific what you are currently facing and should help you a lot. If you still have questions please let us know. We are more than just a blog with cool information and tips. We are here to help you succeed. That is our mission. That is why we exists. 

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Now, we have a few more things for you!

Have a comment or question about this week’s post? Let us hear from you! Post your own success stories or ask a question about how to move your own business forward to success! If you have a question about your business please feel free to Contact Us and send a personal message. We love hearing from you and read every post personally! You can join the fun on our  Twitter, and Instagram and share your own success tips!  If you are looking for more practical hands-on help we have two other resources for you.

 First, we have created Business Genesis  and our Small Business Toolkit for small business owners just like you to help you start and grow your own successful business and meet today’s challenges head-on with confidence. You can find yours right here. 

Business Genesis is a Step-by-Step Online Training Course That Shows You How to Start, Grow, and Market Your Own Successful Business Doing What You Love!

Everything you need to guide your very first steps is laid out for you in simple , easy to understand and organized modules with easily accessible lessons.

Business Genesis shows you exactly how to create financial security and build your brand and customer base, shows what works in marketing your business to the world, and guides you how to leave a legacy of success with tips and tools to help you build financial security and positive impact on your local and internet community.

You can finally enjoy the freedom of doing something you love and generating an income you can actually live on. Get Started Now! 

Have a comment or question about this week’s post? Let us hear from you! Post your own success stories or ask a question about how to move your own business forward to success! We love hearing from you and read every post personally! You can join the fun on our Twitter Chat and share your own success tips! If you are looking for more practical hands-on help we have two other resources for you. First, we have created an actual Small Business Toolkit for small business owners just like you to help you start and grow your own successful business and meet today’s challenges head-on with confidence. You can find yours right here. 

If you scroll down just a bit further I also have a collection of more success tips. Just click on any of the links. If you have a question about your business please feel free to Contact Us and send a personal message. We love hearing from you and will respond just as quickly as we can.





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