Star Your Own Business

How To Create a New Career and Life Out of Chaos!


I think it is accurate to say we have all been experiencing chaos and it seems, we are not done yet. As the world begins to recover from Covid-19 we now face the economy, dramatic technological developments, and political issues. So many of us are ready to make changes in our job to a new career, and move forward in a new direction as evidenced by the “Great Resignation”. For many, the need to slow down from the previous daily rat race has been a driving force in creating a new career and lifestyle that generates a livable wage. For others, the desire to get back to the familiar has been overwhelming.

There is one message that has been congruent with both groups and that is the desire to move forward to a better life and progress in your career, but with all the changes we have been experiencing it’s not clear just how. It seems like the rules have been changing  by the hour. Many of us now want something that is more inline with our new desires and priorities after this experience of remote working. How do we move forward? What does the path to success even look like in this new world of business?

No matter where you currently find yourself, if you dream of having a different life, enjoying a new type of career, progressing forward from your current position, even now there is a specific way of achieving your dreams and enjoying success. So, how do we accomplish our goal and make our dreams our reality? We are going to break it down into several steps.


Realizing a successful career all starts with you. Take a moment and create a detailed picture in your mind of yourself at the pinnacle of your desired career. You’re most successful. What does that look like for you? Now you are going to want to reverse engineer that image back to your present moment. Create a plan of action of the steps and goals it would take for you to realize that image. You can initially create a road-map of major steps to your ultimate goal.

But what if you don’t have a career?

What if you don’t feel like there is any opportunity for you to have a successful career at this moment in your life? Are you working part-time for base wage and the cost of living is so high that you are just surviving? Start by asking this question; If you could do anything you wanted, be anything you wanted, what would that be? Your mental image of your successful self is your starting point. A large majority of the most successful people in our world started in very similar circumstances as you. The difference is they saw themselves as created to be something more than what they were in that moment.


Becoming wealthy and successful is an exact science. Creating a mental image of your successful self was your first step. Even though at the moment those well-known successful people we spoke of earlier started out doing something different than their ideal mental image, they took daily action, even if it was only one small step, to move themselves forward from their starting point to their ultimate goal and career by using their plan of action. Do all that you can do, that day. Perform each task with the internal drive and intention to become successful with the highest quality of excellence that you are currently capable of. If you would like help in creating your own plan of action please feel free to Contact Us and we will be glad to help you.

If you are currently working for someone else and you either need or want to stay with your current employer, but see yourself capable of more, I have some important information for you. It is important that when you perform your daily actions as we just discussed, that your focus is not on merely making a good impression with your boss in the hope that they will see what good work you are doing and give you that promotion. It is a pretty sure bet that is not going to happen. That is because you become valuable to your current boss right where you are. The woman or man who is simply a good worker and doing the very best job they can and that’s all, are valuable to their employer. It is not in your employers best interest to promote you. You are more valuable to the company right where you are. So, how do you move forward?

To become successful in your career, reach your goals, and continue to move forward requires something more than just being a great worker. For you to get that promotion you have to be incredibly good at doing what it is you have imagined yourself doing. You need to first acquire the skills and expertise of what you have imagined yourself doing and at your most successful  It starts with having a clear concept of what you want to become. You must have absolute certainty within you that you in fact, can be what it is you want to become, and have unwavering determination to achieve it. Then take daily action to acquire and excel at the skills necessary to successfully be what you imagined.


As you are taking your daily action, don’t focus on pleasing your boss. Focus on advancing yourself forward towards your goal. From the moment you awaken in the morning to when you drift off to sleep at night, hold within you the internal drive and intent to succeed and achieve your goal of being what you imagined. Let it percolate and grow within you so that every person who comes in contact with you during your day, your boss, your co-worker, friends and acquaintances, feel the drive within you and come away with a clear impression that you are a person that is definitely “going places”. People will be drawn to you, as will opportunities. If there is not a place for you to move forward within your current company, it is probable another company would welcome you. If your focus is to excel at the position you desire, it is like a law of physics, that an opportunity that fits your intentionally cultivated skills and expertise will open up for you.

There is nothing in your current life or circumstances that can permanently keep you from achieving your dream. If you cannot fully realize your goal where you are, then look for opportunities to move forward to a place that will empower you to take that next step in your success journey. As you begin to think and take action daily to move yourself forward towards your goal, you will be quick to recognize opportunities that will improve your situation and empower you further. That being said, don’t wait for an opportunity to present itself before you begin to increase your ability to excel at your desired position. Take daily action to excel at it now and the opportunity will come. When it does come and you feel within you that it is the right one and that it will move you towards your ultimate goal, take it.


Something Special to Help You Get Started!


If you identify with any of these classical characteristics chances are you may be a natural entrepreneur. To help you get started I have created a free Business Startup Checklist you can download right now to help you stay on track and successfully build your business. Get yours here!  We are all about empowerment here at The Spectrum Post and we want to see you succeed!

So, no mater where you currently are in your career, study this information carefully. Imagine yourself, your career, your life and lifestyle the way you ultimately want it to be and then take action daily that will empower you to achieve your dream. Learn and develop the skills necessary for you to excel in the position you desire. When the opportunity for you to move forward presents itself, take it.


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Now, we have a few more things for you!


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More Success Tips!

If you are looking for more practical hands-on help we have two other resources for you. First, we have created Business Genesis  and our Small Business Toolkit for small business owners just like you to help you start and grow your own successful business and meet today’s challenges head-on with confidence. You can find yours right here.

Business Genesis is a Step-by-Step Online Training Course That Shows You How to Start, Grow, and Market Your Own Successful Business Doing What You Love!

Everything you need to guide your very first steps is laid out for you in simple , easy to understand and organized modules with easily accessible lessons.

Business Genesis shows you exactly how to create financial security and build your brand and customer base, shows what works in marketing your business to the world, and guides you how to leave a legacy of success with tips and tools to help you build financial security and positive impact on your local and internet community.

You can finally enjoy the freedom of doing something you love and generating an income you can actually live on. Get Started Now!